Home / glossary / Oxford

Today the Lewis School has organised a trip to Oxford for you!  You will travel by train and will be away until dinner time.
Train times: departure from Winchester 9:33 – arrival in Oxford 10:37

MEET IN FRONT of THE STUDENT CANTEEN at 8:50 to walk to the station.

The University of Oxford. is the oldest university in the English-speaking world. By the middle of the 13th century, there was an established University in Oxford. At this time, most students stayed with their masters in private houses. The first college was Merton in 1264. Today there are more than 35 colleges, which are responsible for the admission of students, their welfare and education. Many of the colleges are open to the public.

We have booked for you a visit to Magdalen College.
On your walking tour you will also see • Carfax Tower • Christ Church College • Bodleian Library • Radclliffe Camera • Hertford College & Bridge of Sighs
Oxford is a great place to discover the secrets of Hogwarts (Harry Potter) and walk the same mysterious hallways Harry, Hermione and Ron once did.

We will give you some free time for shopping.

Leave Oxford at 17:16 by train and arrive in Winchester  18:26.
